交通部觀光局馬祖國家風景區管理處組織馬祖觀光圈產業聯盟者業者一行45人,自10月15日起展開三天兩夜的觀光圈標竿學習參訪,觀摩竹竹苗與大阿里山觀光圈。馬祖觀光圈產業聯盟並與大阿里山觀光圈締結姊妹觀光圈,期藉由兩處觀光圈「上阿里山、下馬祖海」的聯盟誓約,帶動觀光產業發展。 Matsu National Scenic Area Administration held a three-day field trip to visit Hsinchu-Miaoli Area Association for Regional Tourism and Great Alishan Tourism Union with the members of Matsu Tourism Union on October 15. During the trip, Matsu Tourism Union established in partnership with Great Alishan Tourism Union, and hoped they can boost tourism industry development by their vow “Up in Ali mountain and down by the sea around Matsu”. 第一天與竹竹苗區域觀光聯盟交流,參訪苗栗銅鑼、雙峰草堂,瞭解草堂堂主堅持使用台灣在地食材做為銅鑼燒內餡,打造出來苗栗必遊的特色銅鑼燒茶屋;第二天至觸口遊客中心與阿里山風景區管理處辦理座談會,分享阿里山以「精緻、小眾、深度」為核心理念,建構「茶、咖啡、鐵道、原民、生態、浪漫」六大行銷主軸之策略,進一步見習生力農場與優遊吧斯的創生能量;第三天參訪嘉義太平雲梯,聽嘉義縣梅山鄉太平村長嚴清雅分享返鄉推動地方發展,包括一手催生太平雲梯、成立合作社回饋地方,打造「幸福家園」,創造在地就業機會,帶動更多商機,這正是地方創生的典範。 In the first day, they went to Miaoli and visited Twin Peaks Tea House. The owner insists to use local ingredients as the filling of dorayaki. That’s why it becomes the must-go afternoon tea in Miaoli. In the second day, they went to Chukou Visitor Center to have a forum with Alishan National Scenic Area Administration. They shared their development strategy, including the core beliefs “Elaboration, Non-mainstream and Profundity” and six marketing points “Tea, Coffee, Railroad, Aboriginal, Ecology, Romanticism”. And they also visited Sheng-Li Farm and YUYUPAS Cultural Park which are the achievement of regional revitalization. On the last day, they visited Taiping Suspension Bridge which is in Chiayi. The chief of village encouraged youngsters to return their hometown and to press ahead with local development. This plan provided more jobs and more business opportunities. Therefore, it’s the epitome of regional revitalization. 馬管處處長方正光表示,馬祖觀光圈整合區域內食宿遊購行的業者,建立一個產業交流共好的平台,讓各相關產業業者可以攜手往前邁進,創造更大的發展能量。本次觀摩行程除瞭解阿里山風管處推動大阿里山觀光圈發展的目標與策略,也看見業者團結齊心翻轉地方的力量,此次標竿學習讓業者有跨區交流的機會,參與的業者紛紛表示獲益良多,也期盼馬管處未來將以各產業為目標的跨區標竿學習,加速提升各別產業發展的實力,帶動馬祖觀光圈的整體發展及品質的提升。 The director of Matsu National Scenic Area Administration pointed that Matsu Tourism Union provided an opportunity to people engaged in different industry to exchange opinions and experience. Through this field trip, we realized Great Alishan Tourism Union’s purpose and strategy and how their members worked together. The members of Matsu Tourism Union hoped Matsu National Scenic Area Administration can hold more field trip about different industries to improve ability and to enhance quality. 文章來源:馬祖國家風景區管理處 新聞稿 By Matsu National Scenic Area Administration Translated by Matsu National Scenic Area Administration (照片/交通部觀光局馬祖國家風景區管理處提供) (Photo by Matsu National Scenic Area Administration) (照片/交通部觀光局馬祖國家風景區管理處提供) (Photo by Matsu National Scenic Area Administration)