東部新聞馬祖五星米其林四大名廚 攜手在地業者創新卡蹓饗食味

五星米其林四大名廚 攜手在地業者創新卡蹓饗食味

為深化馬祖觀光品牌形象,提升馬祖觀光旅宿餐飲品質,交通部觀光局馬祖國家風景區管理處委由台灣旅遊交流協會成立四大主廚輔導團隊,指導馬祖觀光旅宿餐飲業全面提升馬祖旅宿服務品質。交通部觀光局林信任副局長表示:「馬祖食材有特殊性,依季節有不同的海鮮,透過時令的變化並經過師傅的巧手朝向精緻化。對馬祖美食的提升在未來開放國際觀光後是一個重點。」 To promote the brand image for tourism industry and enhance the quality of accommodation and catering industry in Matsu, Tourism Bureau commissioned Taiwan Tourism Interchange Association to create a four chefs team to enhance the quality of service. Hsin-Jen Lin, the Deputy Director-General of Tourism Bureau, pointed that the seafood in Matsu vary with season. Through chefs’ guidance, the dishes got more delicate. The enhancement of the dishes in Matsu will be emphasized after the reopening of international tourism. 「馬祖卡蹓 饗食卡蹓味」發表會,係馬祖地區首次由四大主廚聯手組成全方位美食輔導研發團隊,共同在既有馬祖傳統飲食文化基礎上,加以創新特色菜餚,將知名馬祖傳統五寶食材:①老酒陳高②淡菜、海鮮、魚麵③紅糟④大白菜、白蘿蔔⑤大餅、繼光餅等研發入菜。其中,四大名廚共同研發以馬祖知名的紅糟、白蘿蔔(醃漬)、淡菜、蝦皮、蛋等,搭配季節性新鮮蘿蔔、大白菜或高麗菜及蔥蒜等食材,開發出清爽、健康又美味的馬祖國民美食-「馬祖炒飯」,賦予在地庶民菜餚全新風貌! Matsu National Scenic Area Administration announced the establishment of delicacies research and development team in the press conference. This team consisted of four chefs from different famous restaurants. They created speciality dishes on the basis of Matsu traditional food culture. For example, they combined traditional ingredients from Matsu (old wine, mussels, fish noodles, red vinasse, chinese cabbage, white radish and jiguang buns) and other vegetable from Taiwan Main Island in the dishes. In this press conference, the four chefs also shared the recipe of matsu fried rice which they collaborated on. Matsu fried rice was made with red vinasse, pickled radish, mussels, papery dried shrimps, eggs, white radish, chinese cabbage, cabbage, spring onion and garlic. Being different from traditional fried rice, it is a brand new flavor of Matsu. 馬祖卡蹓饗宴研發精神除著重於個人套餐及早午茶輔導,並針對團體餐需求提供菜餚創新設計,四大名廚更無私的公開所有中、西式廚研烹調技巧。透過煎、煮、炒、炸、蒸、炖、醃、悶等中式手法,將馬祖在地料理注入新風貌,讓馬祖美食好味道繼續傳誦流轉。 The delicacies research and development team put emphasis not only on set meal and brunch, but also on set menu for groups. They created new recipe, and shared all the cooking skills of western and eastern in this press conference. Through panfrying, boiling, sauteing, deep-frying, steaming, stewing, marinating and braising, these dishes took on a new look. Therefore, the local flavor of Matsu will continue to be spread around. (照片/交通部觀光局馬祖國家風景區管理處提供) (Photo by Matsu National Scenic Area Administration) (照片/交通部觀光局馬祖國家風景區管理處提供) (Photo by Matsu National Scenic Area Administration)
