政黨政治民主進步黨賴清德與國際組織代表簽署聯合聲明 共同守護台灣人民的民主價值

賴清德與國際組織代表簽署聯合聲明 共同守護台灣人民的民主價值






賴主席致詞後,他並與CALD主席Francis Pangilinan、德國弗里德里希諾曼自由基金會區域總監Moritz Kleine-Brockhoff、國際自由聯盟秘書長William Townsend,以及CALD婦女委員會主席Jayanthi Devi Balaguru等代表簽署聯合聲明。



Honorable Chairman Kiko Pangilinan, Vice President Henrik Bach Mortensen, Director Moritz Kleine-Brockhoff, and all friends from the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats: Good morning! I hope you are enjoying your stay in Taiwan. We are honored to host CALD’s 30th anniversary. As like-minded liberal and democratic parties, we have a lot to discuss, and even more to share.

Pangilinan主席、Mortensen副主席、Kleine-Brockhoff主任,以及所有來自亞洲自由民主聯盟的好朋友們,大家早安。我希望大家在台灣的行程皆順利。我們很榮幸能夠協助CALD 30 週年大會在台北舉行,作為理念相近的自由民主政黨,我們不僅有許多議題需要共同討論,更有許多經驗可以互相分享。

Let me begin by saying that democracy is the greatest unifying force around the world today. Our belief that people are born free, human rights must be respected, and peace is in the common interest, transcends all boundaries. It provides a shared sense of purpose amidst turbulent times.


And this is exactly what CALD has been promoting for the past 30 years. When the council held its first planning meeting in Taipei on October 15, 1993, there was recognition that Asia needed to do more to support our fledgling democracies. Our founders understood that freedom and democracy were not just Western concepts, but universal values that should be supported around the world.

而這也正是 CALD 在過去 30 年努力不懈推動的方向。當 CALD 在 1993 年 10 月 15 日於台北舉行第一次籌備會議時,與會者皆清楚我們需要採取更多行動來支持亞洲的新興民主國家。我們的創始會員們都了解,自由和民主不是西方的概念,而是全世界都應該支持的普世價值。

The Democratic Progressive Party is proud to have been part of that founding group. After the DPP was established in 1986, we fought for the lifting of Martial Law, free elections, and freedom of expression within our society. Like CALD, we see freedom and democracy as being part of our DNA. And together, we have succeeded in becoming beacons for the values we champion.


This year’s theme is ‘The Future of Democracy in Asia,’ a particularly relevant topic as we think about the many challenges in the region. We are faced with the rise of authoritarianism and must respond to increased tensions in the South China Sea and East China Sea. We see not the ‘End of History’ as Francis Fukuyama had argued, but the beginning of a new era of competition.


Fortunately, as liberal and democratic parties, we do not have to face these challenges alone. This conference proves that we can stand together with purpose and agency. More broadly, we can work together as societies and countries that are bound by shared values and interests. This is our greatest strength and it is also the reason democracies will prevail.


Against a backdrop of growing authoritarian influences around the world, I recently proposed the "Four Pillars for Peace" action plan. I introduced a clear vision of ensuring peace through defense resilience, economic security, international partnerships, and maintaining the cross-strait status quo. I also put forward a new platform for values-based diplomacy, promising to enhance our international engagements through the three core principles of Democracy, Peace, and Prosperity – in other words, DPP, which also happens to be the name of our party. Moreover, Taiwan will present a vision that is centered on human rights and sustainability.


This April, CALD was sanctioned by the PRC for supporting Taiwan. But far from becoming silenced, CALD and its members have remained determined in support of actions that advance democracy, human rights, and the rule of law for all the people of Asia. As a CALD statement said, we will not “shy away in the face of authoritarianism or from those who threaten our freedoms.” We all admire CALD’s courage in the face of adversity. This is not only a testament to the values we share, but also shows the strength of our convictions.

今年四月,CALD 因為支持台灣而受到中國制裁。然而,這些打壓手段不但沒有使 CALD 或其成員噤聲,你們毫不屈服地用具體行動持續支持所有亞洲地區的人民推動民主、人權和法治。正如 CALD 的一份聲明中所言,CALD不會「向威權主義或那些要威脅我們自由的人們屈服」。這不僅是我們共享價值的最佳見證,也體現了我們共同信念的強大力量。

In CALD’s 30-year history, there is much to remember and cherish. From an initial conversation about the values that bring us together, to building an organization that can turn ideas into reality, CALD should be proud of its accomplishments. The DPP was present on the first day and we will continue to stand together every day, far into the future.

在CALD的30年歷史中有很多值得銘記與珍惜的地方。最起初,從一個透過共同價值將我們凝聚在一起的對話平台,到現在建立了一個能夠將想法化為現實的組織,CALD 應該為這些重要的成就感到驕傲。民進黨從第一天起就參與其中,未來的每一天我們也都會繼續和大家站在一起。

This morning, we not only commemorate those past 30 years, but also present a roadmap for the future. This joint statement we are about to sign showcases our enduring commitment to building a more democratic, peaceful, and prosperous Asia. With peace as the lighthouse and democracy as our compass, we will work together to bring a better future for people across this region.


Finally, I hope you all create unforgettable memories of this visit by taking some time to enjoy Taiwan’s diverse culture, beautiful sights, and delicious food. My best wishes for a successful event. Thank you.

