東部新聞馬祖慢遊單車小旅行 騎跡馬祖津沙聚落

慢遊單車小旅行 騎跡馬祖津沙聚落

慢遊單車小旅行騎跡馬祖津沙聚落 Slow Pedaling Trip: Happy Roaming Around 馬祖國家風景區管理處為配合交通部觀光局推展綠色永續-多元自行車旅遊活動,鼓勵遊客到馬祖進行生態旅遊及環保生態旅遊,於2021年開始提供自行車免費借用服務,遊客可於南竿、北竿、莒光遊客中心借用,以慢遊島內的幽靜步道,放慢速度、駐足停留,進行生態旅遊及環保樂活旅遊,或有驚豔等您發現。在南竿,遊客可自南竿遊客中心出發,一路沿著津仁步道至鐵堡、55據點,沿路欣賞海景外,最後抵達津沙聚落感受迷人的海灘與聚落美景 In order to promote ecotourism, Tourism Bureau of Ministry of Transportation and Communications together with Matsu National Scenic Area Administration hold diversity bike tours for tourists. From 2021, tourists can borrow bikes with no charge at Nangan, Beigan and Juguang Visitor Center to have low-carbon and in-depth experience tour through pedaling in Matsu. In Nangan, cyclists start from Nangan Visitor Center. They ride along Jinren Trail, reaching Iron Fort and Stronghold No.55, and finally arrive in Jinsha community. On the way, riders can pedal bicycles to enjoy the coastal scenery and the beauty of Jinsha settlements. 說到經典閩東式聚落建築,北竿有芹壁、南竿有津沙。津沙聚落位於雲台山下,南竿島西南方突出處的灣澳,是南竿最接近大陸的第一大漁村聚落,因早先澳口滿布金砂般細緻的沙灘,故名金沙,後寫作津沙,是賞夕陽、踏浪的好去處,因保有完整的石厝古宅而受到矚目。歷經百年風華,如今的津沙,遺留下的建築雖然蕭瑟滄桑,卻仍保留古樸美感,近幾年在縣政府與社區發展協會的奔走下,頹圮舊屋重現生機,蛻變成老酒館、民宿,讓老房子又注入了新活力。遊客來到津沙,走在古色古香的巷弄中,每個轉角都是新風景,另外,津沙村以釀製老酒聞名,聚落入口處石牆上一整排的酒甕排列有序,由村落中井水甘釀出來的好酒,還有紅糟入菜的各式料理,饕客絕對不能錯過。 Resting by a protruding bay on the southwestern tip of Nangan, Jinsha village is the closest fishery village to China. The sand on the beach shines brightly, and was named ″golden sand″ in the old times. With well-retained old stone houses, it has garnered much attention in recent years. With effort from the Lienchiang County Government and Jinsha Community Development Associations, the houses come to life again. Why not take a walk through the village's nostalgic, charming valleys and discover something amazing in their corners. By the way, old wine and red vinasse are the most famous of Jinsha village because the well water in this area has very good quality. When you visit Jinsha village, you should definitely try the old wine and the dishes that make by red vinasse, they are scrumptious! 另外,「2022馬祖旅遊趣系列活動」-「跳島自行車慢遊集點」活動自7/23揭開序幕,一直持續到10/31,有興趣的遊客只要於馬祖指定集章點位掃描QR碼,集滿3點就可以以兌換馬祖特製景點紀念幣,數量有限,所剩不多,動作要快;另有「發現馬祖之美攝影比賽」,徵件時間至9月30日止,總獎金高達10.5萬元,歡迎各路英雄好漢投件,相關活動訊息請至以下網站查詢: Other than that, while "2022 Matsu Fun Tour Series: Island Hopping Bike Tour Gathering Point " is undergoing till October 31, tourists collecting 3 points by scanning QR code in designated locations can win the limited commemorative coins. Also, there is a "To Discover the Beauty of Matsu" photo contest. The application deadline is September 30th, and total award money is as high as 105,000 yuan. For detailed information, please enquire the following websites: 2022微光馬祖攝影徵選活動網站 2022 Shimmering Matsu Photo Contest Website 馬祖國家風景區管理處官網 Official website of Matsu National Scenic Area Administration 官方FB粉絲團-馬祖愛趴GO Official FB webistes-Love Matsu GO Photos | Matsu National Scenic Area Administration
