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新聞聯絡:綜合企劃中心楊庭卉主任 (02)2579-6115轉134










I support Ukraine’s rebuilding project. When Ukraine got into a fight with the Russian government, people had been suffering in the country and hiding from air strikes. Many people tried to escape Ukraine because citizens had been murdered and buildings had collapsed, but Ukraine was determined to fight back. The locals cooperated to rebuild their houses.

There is a village called Yahidne which was heavily bombarded by Russian air strikes.People hid during air raids to prevent getting injured by the Russians. After the village was freed from the Russian occupation, some young party goers helped the locals to restore their village. An organization called “Rebuild Together” thought of rebuilding projects with rave parties. Before the war began, people had used to spend holiday nights out at parties with DJs, but when the war started, everything changed. All parties were canceled because the places were destroyed. However, in recent months, DJs have started to perform in destroyed buildings, giving people entertainment. These efforts remind us that we can try to rebuild everything together. Even during a tragedy, we can help lots of people.




 有一個名為Yahidne的村莊受俄羅斯嚴重地空襲、轟炸,人民需躲避空襲以防傷害。此村莊在擺脫俄國的佔領後,一些喜歡參加派對的年輕人開始幫助當地人重建村莊。一個名為“Rebuild Together”的志工組織將與歡樂派對與村莊重建計畫結合。戰爭開始前,年輕人習慣於假日夜晚參加聚會,但戰爭開始後,一切都變了,場地被毀,所有聚會都取消了。然而,近幾個月來,DJ們開始在毀損的建築物中表演,在當地人民重建家園的同時,也提供娛樂。這些公益組織與當地人民的努力告訴我們可以透過齊心合作,一同來重建家園。即使在悲傷當中,我們也可以幫助很多人。

